Once, about six years ago, I did a 100 Day Challenge.
I scribbled down big hairy goals and set schedules and surrounded myself with
vision boards and positive people and worked like crazy to change my life
beyond my wildest dreams. It lasted about a fortnight and then my concentration
slipped because a new episode of LOST had come back on TV… and then I lost
interest in LOST too because I had to trade my vision board for a white board
to keep track of the characters and the emerging themes… damned if I know what
happened in the end but I do remember I liked Sayid better than Jack who turned
out to be a little bit dull. I
I have to confess I've always been a bit of a self-development junkie,
which is why over the weekend I decided to Google ‘100 day Challenge’ to see
what’s new. In the space of what seems like a
few years this
topic has exploded, and that’s good, and it still excites me.
However, I still seem to have the concentration span of a gnat. The very
idea of stepping out 100 days in time to reach a better place in my life leaves me exhausted and I know I’ll not
make it: across the river of adversity, down the path of good intentions,
through the door of opportunity, past the point of failed attempts or towards
the light of never ending spiritual enlightenment without having to pause for
some mind-numbing TV or bad food.
So I figured I’d settle on something
shorter and more manageable. At first I thought 50 days, half the time, sounds
doable, but no, that’s quite a bit of planning still and a very large to-do
list to go with my many and varied goals. ‘How about 30 days?’ I asked myself. Maybe, but I want results
people! Successes, heady achievements, I don't want to fade. 30 days is
just too long to maintain that much adrenalin-guzzling action, besides, that’s
a long time to smile every-god-damn-day! Even a week requires a decent amount of
planning and effort. So, I settled on three. Three days. Three days to get it
three days’ worth of meals and shop for groceries = No going
to the shops for three days, hooray! No having to find a car park; No kicking the cat out of the way because you
forgot to get the damn cat food

on your way home; No snide remarks required
when your husband or significant other (see former comment about cat) asks
‘what’s for tea?’ No eating rubbish because you’re hungry and have to eat Tim
Tams while deciding what to have for
three outfits to wear over the three days
and hang them ready to wear. To increase the degree of difficulty of the
challenge, accessorise outfits = No running from the shower to the laundry
in the nuddy to find underwear; No stumbling around in the mornings looking for
your running shoes and having to turn on the bedroom light at 5am. ‘Soooo sorry
my darling, did I wake you?’; No arriving to work with top inside out; No
mismatched earrings; No wearing the same outfit with tomato seeds on the
for three days in a row; No dressing in something that startles the cat.
three work-out sessions = Feeling pretty damn proud and energised; No
excuses; No mediocrity and No feelings of guilt about the Tim Tams.
three must do projects for work = No regrets; No last minute scrambling
to reach a dead line; No having to look for a new job.
three projects for home and personal life = No thinking something else is more
important right now; No delaying the dream; No need to wait until you’re on
holidays, it’s a long-weekend, the family are visiting, the tax cheque arrives
in the mail. Make it simple and preferably nothing that requires paint brushes.
to watch only three programs on TV= only three EPISODES not three SERIES
for three ‘fun’ activities = No martyrdom; no bitterness, no resentment,
no stopping to check your work E-mails or whether your last study module
submitted has been marked yet. Just have fun!”
So that’s it, my three days are pretty
much planned for and achievable. It will be a challenge and if I'm successful I
might really stretch myself and try for four days sometime in the future. It’s
all about the journey…speaking of which, what did happen to Oceanic Flight 815?